Meet the Class of 2020

Yanique Dixon, WKPP Scholarship Recipient (Class of 2020)

What is a meaningful experience or class you have had since pursuing your degree?
Critical Reading and Writing. It is a foundation course at the UWI. Its sole purpose is to get people to think critically by gathering the information, examining the facts thoroughly and then deciding. I hold this course experience in high regards because it is one that applies to all aspects of life. Thinking is a term that we throw around very lightly in conversations and society. Thinking is not as easy as it sounds because of the impulsiveness of human beings. This course taught me to slow down and see things through different viewpoints then make a critical decision. I have applied this technique to all of my classes and life decisions, including my career choice, investments and, someday, who to marry. It’s essential to think critically but never overthink irrationally.

Where do you see yourself in 5/10/20 years?

  • CPA in 5 years, working at a top-notch Audit Firm
  • Successful businesswoman in 10 years
  • In 20 years, I want to be a well accomplished, extremely successful, world-renowned businesswoman, wife and mother.

Share with us a study tip.
Allow your studies to be Continuous and Consistent. Earning excellent grades are not easily achieved if you begin to study just a few days or even the night before the sitting of your final examinations. Earning great grades begin as soon as the semester commences. Take the initiative, preview your syllabus and start your studying then and there. Study ahead of your classes, be consistent, be continuous, be disciplined and know that none of it should be based on whether your friends are doing it. Your academic success is your responsibility.

It is 2030, and you are the prime minister of Jamaica, what is first on your agenda?
As the PM of Jamaica, I would ensure that the students, i.e. at the basic, preparatory/primary, secondary as well as tertiary, have a levelled playing field. Given the Coronavirus crisis, some students do not have the necessary tools to practice independent learning. Buying data all the time is an added expense, especially for a family that can hardly find food to feed themselves. So, as the PM, I would instruct the Education minister to ensure that every community has a community centre with an internet cafe, as well as a library for the community members. We are currently living in a fast-paced technological era. To me, it is quite puzzling as to why students must be disadvantaged because they do not have the necessary gadgets to continue their education, gadgets which include a laptop, tablet, among other things.

I am a living testament as to how education can change the life and future of any individual. It bridges the gap between the rich and the poor. And for this reason, I would make it a point of my duty to ensure its availability to everyone, especially those living in the inner-city and rural areas.

If you had to sit on a plane for 10 hours, who would you want to sit next to?
Michelle Obama. Without a doubt, she is just one in a billion; an incredible woman. A strong woman who knows to be supportive without becoming insignificant. A poor black girl from the streets of southside Chicago who became the First Lady of the USA. She chose to beat life rather than be beaten by it and, to this day, she continues to do so. I would draw strength from the sacrifices she had to make to become the woman she is, especially those with Barrack Obama. We would undoubtedly speak about how she managed to be the wife, mother and the world-renowned public figure she is today. Michelle Obama is, without a doubt, the epitome of who I wish to be in the coming future. A strong, assertive, kind, loving woman of colour who leaves a very sweet and delightful impression in the lives of everyone she meets.

Christopher Allen, JEP Scholarship Recipient (Class of 2020)

What is a meaningful experience or class you have had since pursuing your degree?
Studying in Sweden as an exchange student has definitely been the most meaningful experience.

throughout my time in undergrad. During that time, I was able to travel across Europe and develop a deeper appreciation of the varied ways humans exist and how different social systems operate. That experience not only forced me to seriously think about where I stand in this world but also helped me to decide what topics I want to explore in my academic work.

Where do you see yourself in 5/10/20 years?
If the gods will have it: 5 years- Enrolled in a Social Anthropology PhD programme.
10, 20 years- Raising my four children, doing research and teaching

If you had the attention of the entire world right now, what would you say?
Be kind. Treat people fairly.

What is your advice to parents of scholarship recipients?
Higher education is challenging in many ways. Emotional support really goes a far way. Reassure your high achiever from time to time that you have their back.

It is 2030, and you are the Prime Minister of Jamaica, what is first on your agenda?
Creating a democratic system that works for all.

Sashara Eccleston, JEP Scholarship Recipient (Class of 2020)

What is a meaningful experience or class you have had since pursuing your degree?
A meaningful course I have taken while pursuing my degree is Caribbean Human Rights. It has brought to the forefront of my mind the evolution of human rights in the Caribbean. Also, it highlights that there is a lot more that needs to be done to ensure an efficient and comfortable society for all.

Where do you see yourself in 5/10/20 years?
In five years, I hope to have attained my Legal Education Certificate, allowing me to be called a practising attorney at law and further to begin my journey as a Rhodes scholar.

If you had a time machine, would you go back in time or visit the future?
I would visit the future to remind myself of the success I am working towards.

What always puts a smile on your face?
I am a lover of giving back, thus seeing the smiles on the faces of those I help, especially children always puts a smile on my face.

What is your advice to students applying for a scholarship this year?
I would advise them to get to know the company because their level of respect for the company will provide them with extra motivation to make the company proud.

Chardonnay Lewin, JEP Scholarship Recipient (Class of 2020)

What is a meaningful experience or class you have had since pursuing your degree?
A meaningful experience while studying at UTECH was when I attended the School of Business Administration award ceremony. I made the Dean’s List and the Honour Roll list each year after a year of hard work. As a result, my name was inscribed on the Honour Wall and so every day that I pass the wall and see my name it motivated me to continue to work hard and push to the end despite my challenges. I had a lot of meaningful classes while I was studying at UTECH, but the one that stood out the most for me was the UTECH Accounting Seminar 2019/20. The seminar provided me with an all-rounded professional opportunity needed for the world of work. I was also the supervisor for the auditing committee, which strengthened my leadership skills and exposed me to persons from various organizations that presented weekly. I looked forward to learning something new every week during the seminars.

Where do you see yourself in 5/10/20 years?
I see myself within the next five years accomplishing my ACCA professional designation and being a Chartered Accountant or Cost Accountant. For the next ten years, I see my business coming to fruition (Lewin Academy), where I am able to offer tutoring and other educational services. I also see where within 20 years, I have a family of my own and a prosperous business where I can give back to my society – Jamaica Land we Love.

What is your favorite movie or series?
My favourite movie is Tyler Perry’s Daddy’s Little Girls. This is because it reminds me of my beloved dad, may his soul rest in peace, and how much he worked tirelessly to take care of us as best as he could. I am also a “daddy’s girl”.

Do you prefer to study in groups or study alone?
I prefer to study alone particularly because I can focus better and go at my own pace.

Share with us two study tips.
1. Ensure you understand the material before you leave class, even if it means to ask questions. Therefore, when you are reviewing for your exam, it will not be as difficult to retain the information as you would have already understood the material and only need to refresh your memory.

2. Practice as much past papers as you can.

Dolieth Chambers, JEP Scholarship Recipient (Class of 2020)

What is a meaningful experience or class you have had since pursuing your degree?
The most meaningful experience I had in my university life was living on campus. Being on my own for the first time was a learning curve. Learning to balance making life decisions and maintaining my academic life (with considerably harder classes than I was used to in high school) was exceedingly challenging. However, it has been very worthwhile and has prepared me to live and function independently (when that time comes).

Where do you see yourself in 5/10/20 years?
In the next five years, I see myself not only attaining valuable experience in my field of software engineering but attaining professional-level certification in Project and Product management and transitioning to a career of project management. I would also like to sharpen my skills as a developer and gain knowledge in Big Data Processing.

If you had the attention of the entire world right now, what would you say?
I would tell them to treasure this time spent with their families, educate themselves about the current crisis and take all the necessary precautions to keep themselves and the persons around them safe. Also, prepare for the possible economic fallout and the changes of life to ensue.

What food do you crave the most?
I honestly cannot choose a food that I crave for the most because I am a very picky eater, so my cravings change frequently. However, if I had to choose on any given day a food that I like to eat, I would say, pizza with any toppings as long as pineapples are included.

Which song uplifts you when the books seem overwhelming?
I don’t generally listen to music when I am stressed with school. To destress, I usually watch a movie, a series or play a game (more than likely candy crush, sudoku or apshalt9). I enjoy sitcoms; my favorite sitcom is Friend; I can honestly say I’ve watched all episodes more than four times. My favourite non-sitcom series is The Originals.

Chrisanne Newby, JEP Scholarship Recipient (Class of 2020)

What is a meaningful experience or class you have had since pursuing your degree?
In the second semester of my first year at the University of the West Indies, I had a course called Communication for Managers. Even before beginning the course I was intrigued because it seemed a bit different from the others, and I selected Paula-Anne Porter Jones as my lecturer. I was also excited about that because growing up every morning I would listen to RJR 94 FM and I enjoyed the “Sunny-Side Up” programme with her and Alan Magnus. When I began the course, I realized that it was one that would have many in-class presentations on how to communicate in the world of work effectively. I was a bit fearful because I would get very nervous while engaging in public speaking, and this was, therefore, out of my comfort zone.

Where do you see yourself in 5/10/20 years?
In 5 years, I see myself completing my ACCA/CPA certifications and pursuing a career as an External Auditor. I also hope to be fully able to take care of my parents and to continue to grow in my faith as a Christian.
In 10 to 20 Years, I hope to own (whether by myself or a partnership) a financial consulting firm with the experience and expertise I would have gained from working in the accounting field. I also see myself owning multiple real estates.

What is your favourite book, and why?
My favourite book is ‘Destination Success’ by Dwight Bain. This book has helped to understand the steps I need to take to be successful. It focuses not only on the financial aspect but also the mental, emotional, and spiritual success that many persons tend to neglect. I also love that it is interactive, and I was able to place a score on where I was currently in various aspects of my life.

What is your advice to parents of scholarship recipients?
Be proud of your child/children because they have achieved a wonderful benefit towards their education. I would also advise them to support their children in all their endeavours and to be present because school can be very challenging and your encouragement will be crucial in helping them to get through successfully. Additionally, I would encourage the parents and their children to volunteer in various fundraisers the company may organize in the future.

What is a cause worth dedicating your life to?
Many women in my family, including my mother, have been diagnosed with fibroids, ovarian cysts, or endometriosis. I have seen the pain and agony it can cause, and I would dedicate my life to bringing more awareness to this issue. I would like for high school girls, especially, to be educated about the signs and symptoms of these complications as many women have endured the pains and it is not until they are trying to reproduce or it becomes severe that they realize.

I am extremely thankful for this scholarship in helping me to achieve my dream of tertiary education which I otherwise would not have been able to attain. I am forever grateful to the Jamaica Energy Partners for all they have done for me.


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